成登苗 特聘研究员

  • (1)论文

    1. Dengmiao Cheng, Yao Feng, Yuanwang Liu, Jianming Xue. Dynamics of oxytetracycline, sulfamerazine, and ciprofloxacin and related antibiotic resistance genes during swine manure composting. Journal of Environmental Management, 2019, 230: 102-109.

    2. Dengmiao Cheng, Yao Feng, Yuanwang Liu, Jinpeng Li, Jianming Xue, Zhaojun Li. Quantitative models for predicting adsorption of oxytetracycline, ciprofloxacin and sulfamerazine to swine manures with contrasting properties. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 634: 1148-1156.

    3. Dengmiao Cheng, Xinhui Liu, Jinpeng Li, Yao Feng, Juan Wang, Zhaojun Li. Effects of the natural colloidal particles from one freshwater lake on the photochemistry reaction kinetics of ofloxacin and enrofloxacin. Environmental Pollution, 2018, 241: 692-700.

    4. Dengmiao Cheng, Xinhui Liu, Shengnan Zhao, Baoshan Cui, Junhong Bai, Zhaojun Li. Influence of the natural colloids on the multi-phase distributions of antibiotics in the surface water from the largest lake in North China. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 578: 649-659.

    5. Dengmiao Cheng, Yujia Xie, Yanjun Yu, Xinhui Liu, Shengnan Zhao, Baoshan Cui, Junhong Bai. Occurrence and partitioning of antibiotics in the water column and bottom sediments from the intertidal zone in the Bohai Bay, China. Wetlands, 2016, 36: S167-S179.

    6. Dengmiao Cheng, Xinhui Liu, Liang Wang, Wenwen Gong, Guannan Liu, Wenjun Fu, Ming Cheng. Seasonal variation and sediment-water exchange of antibiotics in a shallower large lake in North China. Science of The Total Environment, 2014, 476: 266-275.

    7. 成登苗, 李兆君, 张雪莲, 张树清. 畜禽粪便中兽用抗生素削减方法研究进展. 中国农业科学, 2018, 51: 3335-3352.


    1. 刘新会, 董黎明, 成登苗, 戴国华, 梁刚, 刘冠男. 白洋淀典型污染物迁移机制及风险评估. 科学出版社, 2017, ISBN: 9787030528285.




