近年来主要从事水体净化及资源化的研究, 具有丰富的环境污染修复、材料可控合成和光电催化多学科交叉的研究基础, 并且在催化剂的表征分析、 构效关系的研究、 反应机理的推测、DFT理论计算等方面具有扎实的理论知识和丰富的实践经验。
目前为止,已发表 SCI 论文 40余篇,主要发表在 Water Res., Appl. Catal. B: Environ.,Chem. Eng. J.,Nanoscale,J. Hazard. Mater., ACS Sustain. Chem. Eng.,J. Phys. Chem. C,Int. J. Hydrog.Energy.,Green Energy Environ.等国内外主流学术期刊上; 申请国家发明专利 8 项,其中已授权专利 4项;承担国家自然科学基金青年基金项目1项。
My Google Scholar Citations:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=8ulG1eMAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
1. A. Wang, Q.Zuo* et al. Single-atom Zr embedded Ti4O7 anode coupling with hierarchical CuFe2O4 particle electrodes toward efficient electrooxidation of actual pharmaceutical wastewater. Water Research 245, (2023) 120596. (IF/JCR: 12.80/Q1)
2. A. Wang, Z. Chang* et al. 0D/3D CNQDs/CuFe2O4/Cu0 heterostructures as broad spectrum photocatalyst for efficient 5-fluorouracil degradation: Structural evolution and relay oxidation process. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 322, (2023) 122117. (IF/JCR: 22.10/Q1)
3. A. Wang, Y. Kai* et al. Highly dispersed Ag and g-C3N4 quantum dots co-decorated 3D hierarchical Fe3O4 hollow microspheres for solar-light-driven pharmaceutical pollutants degradation in natural water matrix. Journal of Hazardous Materials 434, (2022) 128905. (IF/JCR: 13.60/Q1)
4. A. Wang, Kai Yan* et al. In situ N-doped carbon-coated mulberry-like cobalt manganese oxide boosting for visible light driving photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical pollutants. Chemical Engineering Journal 411, (2021) 128497. (IF/JCR: 15.10/Q1)
5. A. Wang, K. Yan* et al. 3D hierarchical H2-reduced Mn-doped CeO2 microflowers assembled from nanotubes as a high-performance Fenton-like photocatalyst for tetracycline antibiotics degradation. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental277, (2020) 119171. (IF/JCR: 22.10/Q1)